reframe|reframed|reframes|reframing in English


frame something agai

Use "reframe|reframed|reframes|reframing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reframe|reframed|reframes|reframing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reframe|reframed|reframes|reframing", or refer to the context using the word "reframe|reframed|reframes|reframing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Zach reframes Chivalry in a modern context

2. You gotta reframe the debate, use informal power.

3. So the power of reframing things cannot be overstated.

4. In the process, some old, well-established concepts, are radically reframed.

5. I like the way you reframe the issue in terms of attention.

6. Many companies have resisted accommodating women's increasing desire to reframe their lives.

7. Each reframing represented a further refinement and enrichment of their appreciation for their new role.

8. Clinton is boldly poaching many Republican issues, reframing them somewhat to sound slightly less dogmatic.

9. Thus the results of our first experiment caused us to reframe our question.

10. This article and the ensuing discussion illustrates the need to reframe the debate.

11. Ron has presented and published widely, including Computer Human Interaction ACM, Siggraph, Interact and Consciousness Reframed.

12. 5 Each reframing represented a further refinement and enrichment of their appreciation for their new role.

13. Self-Compassion can help you reframe your circumstances and see your life in a new light

14. Filtering actions include skipping, muting, reframing, etc., the portion of multimedia content defined by a navigation object.

15. Look for major breakthroughs in coming years that will transform our energy landscape and completely reframe the debate.

16. Bosniak Muslims are reframed as a present-day security risk and back projected as having been an equal risk in the 1990s

17. First we need to reframe the stories of our past, in which, after all, lie the origins of our present understanding of ourselves.

18. [The 1619 project: reframing the legacy of slavery in the United States.] A Caste system is an artificial construction, a fixed and embedded ranking of …

19. Brainstorming for questions, rather than answers, helps you avoid group dynamics that often stifle voices, and it lets you reframe problems in ways that spur breakthrough thinking.

20. Using Calibrated questions to reframe items from your accusation audit is a great way to defuse points of tension and lead your counterparts into making concessions

21. The roots of America's mass incarceration problem are traced back to the 1971 Attica Prison Uprising, an incident authorities whitewashed and reframed as a violent riot led by Black inmates.

22. The 1619 Project Curriculum in Lesson Plan Grouping - The 1619 Project, inaugurated with a special issue of The New York Times Magazine, challenges us to reframe U.S

23. A particular point of emphasis between these two articles is the need for collective Addressal of work-life balance, in ways that are deeper than linguistic reframing (such as rephrasing it “life-work” instead)

24. "Extravagant Abjections suturing of bottoming and volitional powerlessness, a mere and indeterminate power, reframes a sexual politics that only recognizes a notion of freedom approaching an infinity curvethe liberatory horizon that queer theory as too often yearned for.", GLQ: A …

25. (14) National development was reframed from Westernization to Thai-style development according to a model of romanticized self-subsistence and Abstemiousness in which agriculture and village life exist without external social and economic linkages, isolated, and self-regulated (Nartsupha, 1991; Nartsupha, 1984, 1999).